Writers, artists are an important resource to galvanize national strength. Photo: baovanhoa.vn

During the nation’s history, generations of writers, artists and intellectuals have proved their special position in the national construction and defence.

They have accompanied the nation by creating high quality literature and artistic works serving as “weapons” and a tool to encourage the people during the struggle for national liberation. These powerful tools were also used to fight distorted information from enemies, thus maintaining and promoting the national cultural identity.

Leaders and members of the Tuyen Quang Culture and Art Association at the 20th Vietnam Day of Poetry.
Photo: VNA

‌Efforts to create high quality works

Associate Prof. Dr. Do Hong Quan, President of the Vietnam Union of Literature and Art Associations underlined that the Party and State have always shown special attention and effective support to the development of culture, art and the contingent of writers and artists.

The Party has affirmed that culture is the spiritual foundation of the society and the crucial internal resource for the rapid and sustainable development of the country. Promoting culture must be closely associated with the development of the people, and culture must be placed at the same position as economy, politics and society, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has said, stressing that culture is the soul of the nation, reflecting the identity of the nation. “Once culture is maintained, the nation is maintained,” the leader affirmed.

Phó Giáo sư, Tiến sỹ Đỗ Hồng Quân, Chủ tịch Liên hiệp các Hội văn học nghệ thuật Việt Nam. Ảnh TTXVN

Quan emphasised that Vietnamese writers, artists and intellectuals have been highly aware of their responsibility before the Party and people. They have worked hard to renew their mindset and deeply dipping themselves into the real life to come up with valuable works. He pointed to the need to continue giving attention to supporting writers and artists to develop comprehensively, detecting and training talents, and honouring their dedications.

The Vietnam Union of Literature and Art Associations’ leader proposed that the development of culture and art should be integrated into the national strategy for cultural industry development, and become an important part of the national target programme on reviving and developing Vietnamese culture and people in the new era. At the same time, relevant parties should build specific plans on literature and art to realise the programme.

The Vietnam Writers’ Association presents books to readers at the Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism.
Photo: nhandan.vn

Quan suggested that adequate investment and maximum support should be provided to the types of literature and arts that are directly related to protecting the ideological and political foundation of the Party, sovereignty, national unity, and the core values of Vietnamese culture and people such as literature, critical theory, traditional theater, music, photography, and cinema, thus ensuring the creation of high quality literature and art works with long-lasting vitality and spillover effects in the society.

Preserving and promoting cultural values for future generations. Photo: tapchicongsan.org.vn

Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thien, standing member of the Council for Critical Theory of Literature and Arts under the Vietnam Union of Literature and Art Associations said that along with the great honour that writers and artists have received, the responsibility that they are bearing is heavy, requiring them to come up with top works reflecting life and shedding light to the nation’s path.

People’s Artist Trinh Thi Thuy Mui, Vice President of the Vietnam Union of Literature and Art Associations and President of the Vietnam Theater Artists Association, said that along with being aware of their responsibility to the era, Vietnamese writers and artists should prove their capacity and outstanding performance in research and creativity, bringing to the community valuable works serving the promotion of the synergy of the nation for the national construction, defence and development.

Artists of the Vietnam Music and Dance Theatre have been creative in building unique and attractive art programmes to serve audiences.
Photo: baovanhoa.vn

Prof. Dr. Le Hong Ly, President of the Vietnam Folk Arts Association and Chairman of the Council for Critical Theory of Literature and Arts under the Vietnam Union of Literature and Art Associations, emphasised that in any society or nation, intellectuals, writers and artists are the quintessence that make up the scientific and cultural face of a country.

Key force in culture creation, popularisation

President Ho Chi Minh once affirmed that the role and missions of writers and artists are great as part of the Vietnamese intellectual contingent and the core force in creating and popularising culture. At the first national culture conference held in 1946, the President said “culture lights the way for the nation.” In his letter to painters joining the fine art exhibition at the Viet Bac Resistance Base in 1951, President Ho Chi Minh said that “culture and arts are also a front. You are soldiers on that front”.

President Ho Chi Minh looks at the surface of Dong Son bronze drum displayed at the Vietnam Museum of History (which is the Vietnam National Museum of History now) on February 2, 1961. (Illustrative image. Source: Ho CHi Minh Museum)

Through the two resistance wars, generations of artists have always accompanied and stood side by side with the Party, State and people in writing new pages of history with their works of art, poetry, music, theater, and cinema, and dedicating their talents and efforts to the nation’s glorious revolutionary cause.

Through nearly 40 years of “Doi Moi” (Renewal), the country has experienced many changes with the enhancement of the national synergy, position and strengths. Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, the contingent of writers and artists have become an extremely important resource forming the strength of each country serving their socio-economic development strategy.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong addresses the the ceremony on July 25, 2023 to mark the 75th founding anniversary of the Vietnam Artists’ Association.
Photo: VNA

At the ceremony on July 25, 2023 to mark the 75th founding anniversary of the Vietnam Artists’ Association, which is now the Vietnam Union of Literature and Art Associations, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong highlighted the dedication of writers and artists to the overall development of the nation as well as their social responsibility. The Party leader underlined that with their talent and enthusiasm, writers and artists have made worthy contributions to forming a new value system, building a modern Vietnamese culture, literature and arts imbued with national identity, and developing new people of patriotism, solidarity, self-reliance, gratefulness, honesty, responsibility, discipline and creativity.

President Vo Van Thuong and delegates at the event. Photo: VNA

During a meeting with writers, artists and intellectuals on February 2, 2024, President Vo Van Thuong underscored that the contingent of intellectuals, scientists, writers and artists have helped improved the quality of the country’s human resources, while their consultations and feedback have helped complete the Party and State’s policies and laws. They have gained numerous achievements in their profession, contributing to speeding up digital transformation in many areas, improving labour productivity as well as business and production efficiency, and enhancing the living conditions for the people.

The country is in need of intellectuals, scientists, writers and artists with a heart of love for the Fatherland, deep sympathy for the people, great aspirations, willingness to commit and immerse themselves in the rich and lively life of the country, who accompany the Party and people during the journey to the goal of a prosperous society, strong country, justice, civilisation with steady steps towards socialism, the President said./.

President Vo Van Thuong attends a ceremony in Hanoi on March 6 to present the People’s Artist and Meritorious Artist titles to artists. Photo: VNA